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People Gathering in a Meeting Together

Essential Skills Training

identify consistencies and changes to improve capability and business performance

We Will Help You.

What does it involve?

Introducing a practical and systematic approach to managing time effectively and efficiently, including essential planning and prioritisation techniques for effective time management.

Time Management Skills

Identifying a range of key skills to lead and participate in highly effective meetings. The efficient use of resources combine to produce sound business decisions and action plans of the highest quality.

Effective Meetings Skills

A range of tools and techniques for highly effective business writing, ranging from authoring detailed reports to everyday emails, in order to engage, inform and influence clearly, concisely and accurately.

Effective Business Writing

Enhancing the essential skills for this everyday leadership activity to improve and sustain individual, team and business performance addressing the processes, paperwork and interpersonal skills.

Managing Performance

A suite of practical techniques including planning, resourcing, implementation, stakeholder management and leadership for delivering  projects on time and within budget.

Project Management Skills

Introducing a range of practical tools, techniques and innovative approaches  which together will aid the resolution of even complex problems & enable sound commercial decision making.

Problem Solving 

Working Together

Advancing a range of tools and techniques that will enable the correct and effective delegating of tasks whilst creating a culture and environment where individuals and teams are self-motivated to succeed

Delegation and motivation

Presenting a range of tools, approaches and processes to ensure compliance with company policy, HR best practice and the law in handling disability, capability and grievance.

Discipline, Capability and Grievance

Cultivating a range of candidate selection and interviewing techniques enabling the making of sound recruitment decisions for the building of highly capable and  versatile performing teams.

Recruitment and Selection

Exploring a range of proven tools and techniques to design, build and deliver highly effective professional presentations with confidence every time.

Professional Presentation Skills

Developing a practical and highly effective range of tools and approaches to significantly improve employee attendance legally, fairly, consistently and in a non-discriminatory manner. 

Attendance Management

Promoting a suite of practical skills to facilitate the leadership, management and successful implementation of worthwhile business change effectively and efficiently.

Leading and managing change

Introducing a range of interpersonal skills for  the planning and delivery of highly effective coaching interventions with colleagues to unleash their talent, realise their potential and enhance performance.

Coaching Skills

Establishing a practical understanding of commercial business finance including business performance appraisal, cash management, budgeting and sound financial decision making.

Essential Business Finance

Developing a range of skills, tools, tactics and techniques for conducting sound commercial negotiations with suppliers and or customers that ensure positive outcomes whilst developing and maintaining strong commercial relationships.

Commercial Negotiation Skills

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